
Past Events

Rotary Means Business National Conclave was held in Jaipur between 20th and 21st May 2023. The conclave was attended by over 500 RMB'ians from across India. The event was inaugurated by Rtn. Mark Burchill, USA, founder of Rotary Means Business Fellowship. During the conclave, RMB Coimbatore was honored as "Best Chapter" in India. The chapter was praised for its active membership, its commitment to community service, and its success in promoting business ethics. From Left: Dr. Kalpana Prabhakaran, Rtn. Sachin Gururaj (Chairman, RMB International), Rtn. Joseph B.A (Vice chairman, RMB Coimbatore), Rtn. Sudhakar V.S (Chairman, RMB Coimbatore), Rtn. Mark Burchill (Founder, RMB International), Rajamohan D. (Secretary, RMB International).


Let us go forward in this battle fortified by conviction that those who labour in the service of a great and good cause will never fail.

RMBF is the prime fellowship of Rotary International with the mission to encourage Rotarians to support the success of their fellow Rotarians by doing business with them and referring others to them. RMBF provides an opportunity for all Rotarians to network on a global basis to enhance their businesses and promote vocational service.

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